[gtkada] How to change dynamically the position of many windows?

Raphaël dit Rafy the.rafy at libertysurf.fr
Mon Jan 29 19:37:25 CET 2001


I want to create a program which does:
  - Display four classical windows (each one with a 
  - Allows the user to change the position of any window 
displayed by giving the program the number of the window 
and the new coordinates (X and Y...)

The problem is: after creating the first window, the main 
program is stopped and refuses to create the second one 
and the two others...

This is the part of the main program:
   Pion(Win1, 10, 10); <-stops just after creating and 
displaying Win1 (type Gtk_Window);
   Pion(Win2, 30, 30);
   Pion(Win3, 60, 60);
   Pion(Win4, 90, 90); ...

Pion (Window: Gtk_Window, X:Integer, Y: Integer) creates 
and displays a Gtk_Window at X and Y in a classical way.

How to launch imediatly many occurences of Pion?

thanks in advance


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