[gtkada] Do the i18n/l10n routines work?

Jacob Sparre Andersen sparre at nbi.dk
Wed Jan 10 12:20:58 CET 2001


> > I have tried to get the package Gtkada.Intl to work, but
> > until now without much luck.
> You should first make sure that you have a proper
> environment for locale values.

What do you mean?

According to all explanations I have read, I should set the
environment variable to the appropriate language code - in
my example "fr_FR.ISO-8859-1" - and then run the program.

> For example, if you launch glade, you should get a
> french version after setting the locale to 'fr'. If it
> is not the case, then you need to solve this problem
> (unrelated to GtkAda) first.

I just tested with a2ps and it works fine, but my own
example still doesn't work.

<fiddle around>


Now my own example works too.

Apologies for wasting your time.

The details of my example are available at
<http://hugin.ldraw.org/temp/gtkada-intl>. Feel free to
include it in the Gtkada.Intl documentation.

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