[gtkada] Strange behavior of a working program

Jeffrey Carter jrcarter at acm.org
Wed Jan 3 20:18:23 CET 2001

Emmanuel Briot wrote:
> Jeff Carter writes:
>  > Machine A is an AMD K6-2 3D-Now! 400 MHz, 64 MB ram, Win98, GNAT 3.13p.
>  > Machine B is a P133, 32 MB ram, Win95, GNAT 3.12p.
>  >
>  > If I copy the executable from machine A to machine B, the
>  > window's title bar and border appear for a few seconds, after which the
>  > program terminates silently.
>  >
>  > If I compile the program on machine B, no sign of the window appears.
>  > The program runs silently for a few seconds before terminating silently.
> The difference of version for GNAT might explain the problem. In fact, I
> thought that GtkAda no longer compiled with GNAT 3.12, but I might be wrong
> and might mix things with other projects.

That cannot be the explanation for the problem when I copy the
executable from machine A to machine B, since I have 3.13p on machine A.

> I would recommend that you update your version of GNAT on machine B.

I agree, but at the moment getting 12 MB onto machine B is difficult.

> Also, you are not using tasking, I expect ? I believe that Win98 has improved
> a lot for the support of multithreading over Win95 (even it is still much
> worse than NT).

The program does not use tasking. Interestingly, the earlier version,
which does run OK on machine B, uses tasking. In the interest of getting
the program to run on Linux I removed the tasking.

The sources are quite long and (for the moment) proprietary.

Jeff Carter
"You brightly-colored, mealy-templed, cranberry-smelling, electric
donkey-bottom biters."
Monty Python & the Holy Grail

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