[gtkada] Gdk & Gtk window

Emmanuel Briot briot at gnat.com
Tue Feb 20 10:29:04 CET 2001

 > As far as I can see, Gdk_Window is not in the GtkAda type hierarchy.
 > Did you mean I have to use Gtk.Get_Object to get the address, and
 > then use Gdk.Convert to convert to Gdk_Window?
 > Why did you use Unchecked_Conversion and not
 > System.Address_To_Access_Conversions in the Gdk spec?

If you go into the directory that contains all the GtkAda ads files, you can
do something like:
   grep Gdk_Window gtk*.ads

and see the list of files in Gtk that contains references to a Gdk_Window.
The only one in the hierarchy is gtk-widget.ads, in which you find a function
called Get_Window.
Exactly what you need in fact.

We have now added a reference in gdk-window.ads to this function.


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