[gtkada] Setting a label's text color

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Mon Dec 24 00:32:24 CET 2001

"Marc A. Criley" <marccriley at earthlink.net> wrote on 23/12/2001 (14:44) :
> (Apologies if you see this twice, I had some subscription problems.)
> I understand how to set the background color of a label, but I'm having
> trouble with setting the color of the label's text.

The colour of the label must be set in the label. The reason you cannot
set the background is that a label doesn't have a background (therefore
the Event_box). This means that you cannot set the forground of the
label by setting the forground colour in the event box. Look below

>    procedure Set_Logging_Status (Active : in Boolean)
>    is
>       Fg_Color  : Color.Gdk_Color;
>       Bkg_Color : Color.Gdk_Color;
>       CM        : Color.Gdk_Colormap;
>       Label_Style : Style.Gtk_Style;
>    begin
>       Fg_Color := Color.Parse("White");
>       Bkg_Color := Color.Parse("Red");
>       CM := Widget.Get_Default_Colormap;
>       Color.Alloc(CM, Fg_Color);
>       Color.Alloc(CM, Bkg_Color);
>       Label_Style :=
>            Style.Copy(Event_Box.Get_Style(Data.Enabled_Eventbox));
>       Style.Set_Foreground(Label_Style, Enums.State_Normal, Fg_Color);
>       Style.Set_Background(Label_Style, Enums.State_Normal, Bkg_Color);
>       Event_Box.Set_Style(Data.Enabled_Eventbox, Label_Style);

-- Add this line:

        Label.Set_Style(Data.Your-Label-Object-here, Label_Style);

>    end Set_Logging_Status;

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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