[gtkada] Viewport problems

daniel holmstrom s99d at student.informatik.gu.se
Wed Dec 5 16:37:33 CET 2001

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 04:05:52PM +0100, manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com wrote:
> >lower => 1
> >upper => 100
> >value => 1
> >page_size => 10
> Where do these values come from if the viewport is big enough to show
> the whole child?

They do actually come from the viewports adjustment, and that's quite
weird, I think. 

8<----------- snip ----------

adj : Gtk_Adjustment := Get_Vadjustment (viewport);
-- Put_Line ...

8<----------- snip ----------

> Manuel
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<s99d at student.informatik.gu.se>

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