[gtkada] gtk.text to string

Jeffrey Carter jrcarter at acm.org
Sun Aug 19 08:42:16 CEST 2001

Pedro Díaz Jiménez wrote:
> True, but doing it (right) with pointers doesn't mean its wrong

It's not the use of pointers that I said was wrong, but the claim that
you NEED to use pointers. However, pointers introduce a collection of
possible errors that are not possible without pointers; therefore, I
prefer to avoid pointers whenever possible.

Of course, you would never make such errors. I'm sure you never make any
errors. During its 20-year lifetime, though, your software will be
modified many times by others, and Murphy assures us that they will make
any errors that can possibly be made. This means it is prudent to make
the set of possible errors as small as possible. To that end, even you
should avoid pointers whenever possible.

Jeff Carter
"We call your door-opening request a silly thing."
Monty Python & the Holy Grail

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