[gtkada] GtkAda and distributed programming with gnat-glade?

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Apr 26 18:39:40 CEST 2001

"Bobby D. Bryant" wrote:

> "David C. Hoos, Sr." wrote:
> > I believe the problem is that the GtkAda library you're using wasn't
> > compiled with the distributed runtime (GARLIC),so when you
> > "with" GtkAda, you then get the problem
> So presumably I could recompile GtkAda to use the GARLIC package rather than the
> standard package, right?
> If I did that, would my non-distributed GtkAda programs still work correctly?

OK, I'm replying to myself just to put this in the archive, in case anyone else
looks for it later.

The solution was actually pretty simple:

 1) Find out where GARLIC put its version of s-stratt:

 %  locate s-stratt
 /usr/lib/ada/garlic-3.13p/s-stratt.adb    <---
 /usr/lib/ada/garlic-3.13p/s-stratt.ali    <---

 2) Add that directory to the front of your ADA_INCLUDE_PATH and ADA_OBJECTS_PATH
environment variables.

 3) Compile and install GtkAda from its sources.

 4) Continue to use the new ADA_*_PATH definitions when you compile your own

It looks like my old programs still compile and run OK, as does my new distributed

Thank you, David and Francisco, for the help.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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