[gtkada] Disabling Tree Collapse-Expand signal during double- click

Jean-Etienne Doucet doucet at laas.fr
Tue Apr 17 14:00:39 CEST 2001

From: "Wells, Larisa" <lwells at dcscorp.com>

| Thank you both for your responses, but I am having trouble with both
| solutions.  And after further work, I think, as we say over on this side of
| the pond, "you can't get there from here!"
| Jean-Etiennne:  I actually already had the function callback returning a
| true boolean value when I started, so that didn't seem to work for me.
| Could you point me in the direction of some documentation on the usage of
| the return variable in callbacks?  This would help me out in the future. I
| had pretty much just blindly used an example, as the comments in
| gtk-handlers didn't seem to address this.

Excuse me for the delay in replying: holidays... ;^)

About the true-returning-callback-function, the only place I found
a mention about it is the tutorial by Tony Gale & Ian Main.
You can access it at the GIMP home page (www.gtk.org), and have a
look at [2.1: Hello world in GTK] and [19.2: Signal emission &

The two books I have (Harlow and Odin (in French)) don't say a
word about that construct.

|| You might also want to simply block the propagation of the signal in your
|| callback by using a call similar to:
||    Gtk.Handlers.Emit_Stop_By_Name (My_Tree, "select_row");
|| This is in fact a more general technics, that is always applicable, whereas
|| the
|| function callback suggested by Jean-Etienne will only apply for some
|| specific
|| signals.
|| Emmanuel

Actually, Emmanuel's suggestion is far better (and powerful); the only
problem I have with it is that I've never found any documentation/reference
about it...

Jean-Etienne Doucet / LAAS-CNRS / Toulouse, France       E-mail: doucet at laas.fr

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