[gtkada] gate problem

Kevin Knepshield kevknep at home.com
Wed Sep 27 01:43:35 CEST 2000

Hi all,

    I have searched the archives and couldn't find any information that
addressed the prolbem I have, but this is my first time posting and wanted
to apologize ahead of time if it has been covered.
    My problem:  I have download and installed GtkAda1.3.8 on both a Windows
98 and Windows 2000 box, and haven't been able to get it to run in either
case.   I'm on the Win2K box now and the error I get is:
        c:\gtkada-1.3.8\bin\mkdir:  cannot make directory `.gate/test1/tmp`
no such file or directory
        c:/gtkada~1.8/bin/gate.sh:  permission denied:

I got the same error when I ran gate from the command line and when I tried
to write the source code from Glade.  I also tried to manually create the
directories and it didn't work.  I was asking if anyone had any advice or a
pointer for using it in Windows.  I am asking because I am trying to avoid
using VB for a Software Engineering project at school.  I was going to use
Linux, but alas for only have Windows and Solaris boxes at school, and I
couldn't convince anyone to install it on the Solaris boxes yet.  Thanks in
advance for any help.

Kevin Knepshield
kevknep at home.com

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