[gtkada] getting info from an editable text field

caleb baker saleeb_13 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 26 18:30:47 CEST 2000

thanks for all the help here is the code i ended up using

   Gtk_New (text_Entry, 20); -- max no. characters = 20
   Set_Editable(text_Entry, True);

   Enter_Key.Connect (text_Entry, "activate", Enter_Key.To_Marshaller 
(Gui_package.enter_command'Access), new String' ("the enter key has been 

   Set_text (GTK_ENTRY (text_Entry), "hello");

   Pack_Start (Box2, text_Entry, False, True, 10);

   procedure enter_command (text_Entry : access Gtk_Entry_Record'Class; Data 
: String_Access) is
   Command : string := Get_Chars (text_Entry);

      Put_Line ("The enter command has been hit");
      put (Command);
   end enter_command;

this is most of the code i used
there probably is better ways of doing it but this works

thanks caleb baker
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