[gtkada] Pixbuf

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Wed Sep 13 17:13:07 CEST 2000

caleb baker <saleeb_13 at hotmail.com> wrote on 13/09/2000 (17:07) :
> hi
> i am a trying to load an image from a file and to use it i a GUI, using the 
> pixbuf seemed like the way to go after reading the quick reference, but i 
> don't seem to have those library files, is there a way around using pixbuf?
> i have found a version of pixbuf and downloaded pixbuf 6 as there seems to 
> be issues with pixbuf 8, what actually is pixbuf? i thought it was just a 
> library file, but it seems to be a program? (i haven't been able to unzip it 
> as i'm on a windows 98 os and i can't find an appropriate pixbuf file)
> any ideas?

GtkAda 1.2.8 (1.3.8 for windos) contains pixbuf doesn't it?

Preben Randhol - Ph.D student - http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/
"i too once thought that when proved wrong that i lost somehow"
                               - i was hoping, alanis morisette

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