[gtkada] Using gate on Win32 --poss. solution

Kevin Knepshield kevknep at home.com
Sat Oct 28 01:39:28 CEST 2000

Hi all,

    I had posted earlier about having problems using gate on Win32
platforms.  I read where there were problems with the gate script and saw
some work arounds, but wanted to post that I think I found a solution/work
around that could help.

as another poster had mentioned, the mkdir command that came with
GtkAda-1.3.8 didn't work (the -p switch was bad).  I tried several changes
to the gate.sh script and finally got it to work, but not "right".  I later
found a bash shell for windows 95/98/NT at
and installed it.  I then removed the sh.exe file and the mkdir.exe file
that came with GtkAda and replaced mkdir.exe with the cygwin mkdir.exe and
replaced sh.exe with bash.exe (renamed sh.exe) and it seems to be working
great.  I posted this because this works (as far as I can tell) without
having to change the gate.sh supplied, and because I am fairly new to this
and wanted to see if anyone else could see a problem with this.  Thanks for
all the previous help and hope this could help someone.

Kevin Knepshield
kevknep at home.com

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