[gtkada] Getting Text from an Entry Widget

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Sun Oct 1 09:54:09 CEST 2000

JJ Escanellas <juanjef at adinet.com.uy> wrote on 30/09/2000 (22:26) :
> I'm just looking to the Ref Manual, to the Editable subprograms. 
> I found 
>        procedure Get_Chars            
>          (Editable           : access Gtk_Editable_Record;
>           Start_Pos          : in     Gint := 0;
>           End_Pos            : in     Gint := -1);
> but I don't know what to do with that.
> Isn't it a Get_Text function returning a String?

Yes. There is a bug in the reference manual. If you look at
gtk-editable.ads you will see that it is:

   function Get_Chars
      (Editable  : access Gtk_Editable_Record;
       Start_Pos : in Gint := 0;
       End_Pos   : in Gint := -1)
       return         String;
   --  Get the text from Start_Pos to End_Pos.
   --  If End_Pos is negative, the text from Start_Pos to the end is returned.

Preben Randhol - randhol at pvv.org - http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/   ._.
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