[gtkada] ANNOUNCE: GtkAda 1.2.10 & 1.3.10 available

Gerd Arlitt gerd.arlitt at gmx.net
Mon Nov 27 01:52:08 CET 2000

Arnaud Charlet wrote:

> > Sorry, I am just wondering whether these RPMs are compatible with those done by Juergen Pfeiffer at
> > http://www.gnuada.org/rpms313p.html. Are there now two maintainers for the RPMs ?.
> With which RPMs exactly ? The GNAT ones ? The GtkAda ones ?
> I guess our GtkAda RPMs should be compatible the the GNAT RPMs made by the
> ALT group.

I am not a packaging specialist but as far as i understood Juergen Pfeifers packaging effort ... he was
concerned about a consistent structure of how and where gnat/linux related software should be installed.
So he did not package only the gnat compiler but other related software too. Amongst these also GtkAda
with his current packaging level  GtkAda-1.2.8-3.i386.rpm (packager: Juergen Pfeifer). So when he came
out with a new GtkAda package release, I would know that he would update the older version in a
consistant manner. Assumed I would run now your original GtkAda-1.2.10 RPM, which i did not yet, I might
get 2 different GtkAda installations on my system. I hope I am wrong.

Debian Packages:
As Juergen did the RPM packaging, Sam Tardieu did some Debian related packaging for gnat, glade and
asis. These 3 packages can be downloaded from http://www.gnuada.org/debian313p.html. But he also
packaged GtkAda. Package name and level is libgtkada1_1.2.8-1 and it is downloadable from

So my only concern was that things might drift apart. I would appreciate if the GtkAda RPM packages
referred to at the gnuada site and at the GtkAda site would be the same. And if someone is doing GtkAda
packaging for Debian, the same packagage should be referenced at the related Debian site and on the
original GtkAda site.

Everybody who reads the Ada related lists knew that Juergen was short of time and I think also stressed
a bit :-). So I think he needs some help in his effort. Therefore I don't mind who is doing the
packaging. As a user of the packages I only wanted to express my concerns here about efforts possibly

Gerd Arlitt

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