[gtkada] New Utility

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Wed Nov 1 10:20:01 CET 2000

"Srinivasan, Rajagopalan  (IndSys, SalemVA)" <Rajagopalan.Srinivasan at indsys.ge.com> wrote on 01/11/2000 (10:08) :
> folks
> I wrote a utility using GTKAda to help browse ada (source) libraries as in
> the ADAINCLUDE libraries of gnat. The scanner component preprocesses a
> directory and builds up a table of contents of unitname and file names. The
> browser helps browse such a library. This will serve as an example of :
>      - a recursive descent parser using an AFLEX generated scanner
>      - using gnat.os_lib, gnat.directory_operations etc
>      - GTKAda
> The utility has been developed on a WinNT system though i atttempt to test
> the versions in Linux RH 6.2 as well.
> I would like to offer this utility as an example to newcomers to GTKAda. If
> someone could provide some server space then i could upload this example.
> Alternatively I can upload it to "www.freedrive.com" and provide a pointer.
> I will be open to suggestions.

Sounds like a great app! You could get a page at http://sourceforge.net
It is a good site for Open Source software that many people know of and

Preben Randhol  --  Ph.D Student  --  http://www.pvv.org/~randhol
                  -- So Windows pick-a-number hasn't mutated yet?

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