[gtkada] ANNOUNCE: GtkAda 1.2.7

Arnaud Charlet charlet at ACT-Europe.FR
Thu May 11 16:34:37 CEST 2000

> Keep up the excellent work!


FYI, here are some of the features that we are working on and that will appear
in GtkAda 1.2.8 ;-)

- A new tool, Gdialog, provides an easy way to display dialog boxes from shell
- Gtkada.Intl is a new package that provides support for gettext (handling
   of string translation).
- Gtkada.Dialogs is a new package that provides an easy way of creating the
  most common dialogs.
- Gtkada.Pixmaps is a new package that provides a collection of pixmaps.
- Gtkada.Canvas is a new package that provides an interactive canvas.
- Gtkada.Handlers provides a set of pre-instantiated callback packages.
- Glib.XML now properly handles special characters: " and such.
- Gate now supports the gettext_support and use_widget_names Glade options.
- Gate now generates callback *functions* when appropriate.
- Gate now handles callbacks with same name.

And there will probably be more exciting stuff...


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