[gtkada] [Fwd] Guadec workshop talk
briot at gnat.com
briot at gnat.com
Mon Mar 13 10:06:12 CET 2000
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From: Bertrand Guiheneuf <bertrand at helixcode.com>
To: lupus at lettere.unipd.it, glaurent at worldnet.fr,
briot at act-europe.fr, james at daa.com.au
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 16:53:33 -0500
Subject: Guadec workshop talk
I am taking in charge the organization of the
workshop sessions at Guadec. I'd like you
to make a 40 minutes talk on the gtk/gnome
bindings during the workshop session at Guadec.
Could you confirm your participation to me.
I will send you a generic "Instructions for the
workshop speakers" later.
Could you find a way to organize the talk
together ?
In particular, it is absolutely mandatory to
have nice slides.
I think that in your case, you don't really want to
explain each binding extensilvely. One of you could
explain that it is easy to write gtk/gnome bindings
and you could explain what is the interest of having
multiple language bindings. In particulat, James
and Lupus should explain why the script bindings
can change the way people design applications.
This generic talk should be followed by 4-5 minutes
talk where each one shows concrete and very simple
examples of the way to write gtk/gnome stuff with his
own language bindings.
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