[gtkada] What code generates this message?

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Jun 20 03:36:30 CEST 2000

Here's a problem.

One of my callbacks prints this message in the xterm where I start my

    GtkAda: GTK_TYPE_NONE found in ada_gtkarg_value_object

I will be happy to post the code that causes it, but I was going to try
to debug it on my own first.  However, I cannot find the GtkAda code
that generates the message.

I am running v. 1.2.7 from the RPMs created by the Ada for Linux Team.
The RPMs are:


The latter provides these library files:


and the error string is hard-coded in one of them:

    strings /usr/lib/libgtkada-3.12p.so.1.2.7 > temp.txt
    grep GTK_TYPE_NONE temp.txt
    GtkAda: GTK_TYPE_NONE found in ada_gtkarg_value_object

However, grepping for it in /usr/lib/ada/adainclude/*.ad* does not turn
anything up.  Am I missing some source files?


Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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