[gtkada] Need help with Entry and Signals

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Mon Jun 5 17:08:35 CEST 2000

Emmanuel Briot <briot at gnat.com> wrote on 05/06/2000 (12:19) :
> emission of the signal, as Bobby described in his mail, and then return
> 'True', so that the event is not propagated to its parent (ie the notebook or
> whatever container you used).

Ah thanks. I only had to change the procedure to a function and the
change the Callback to a Return_Callback and it worked.
>  > Another thing is there a functions so that one can easily check the Key
>  > (in the code above) against a Wide_character? 
> No, you can only get a string, with Gdk.Event.Get_String.
> GtkAda does not automatically know what is a string and what is a wide-string
> (this is expecting since this comes from the C char*, which does not specify
> the format).

Sorry I meant Character (as GTK+ doesn't have unicode yet). 

What I meant to ask was would

   if Character'Val (Key) = Some_Character then

work (as long as I first check that Key is not greater than 255)
generally for all Latin 1 characters?

Preben Randhol -- [randhol at pvv.org] -- <http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/>
         "Det eneste trygge stedet i verden er inne i en fortelling."
                                                      -- Athol Fugard

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