GNATREG was: Re: Re[2]: [newbie][gtkada] Latest Release minor bug with Win32

David Botton David at
Mon Jul 31 06:42:08 CEST 2000

I didn't have enough time today to do the GUI front end, I'll put that up
tomorrow, but there is a fully function command line tool ready: GNATREG

GNATREG allows setting a path as a default include path (standard library)
for all GNAT/GCC tools


C:\> gnatreg list
Will list all the registered GNAT standard libraries

C:\> gnatreg set GTKADA D:\pathtogtkada
Will create a standard library called GTKADA for GNAT with the path

C:\> gnatreg delete GTKADA
Will remove the standard library called GTKADA (it doesn't delete files of
course, just the entry in the registry!)

C:\> gnatreg /?
Will show full usage of gnatreg

You can download it at
The source is contained in the GWindows source available from

David Botton

----- Original Message -----
From: <ANH_VO at>

> David,
> I would suggest that you go one step further in this regard. Create a
> box, similar to the one in WinNT, allowing the user to register the new
> directory and modify the existing one if needed.
> Anh Vo
> ____________________Reply Separator____________________
> Subject:    Re: [newbie][gtkada] Latest Release minor bug with Win32 Por
> Author: "David Botton" <David at>
> Date:       7/28/00 9:21 AM
> I have a small utility (reggnatcom) in the src directory of gnatcom
> ( that sets gnatcom as a standard library
> GNAT in the registry (doing what you are looking for). You could modify
> for your purposes. I think though, I'll try and create a more generic
> utility this afternoon. I'll blast a message on the list when it is ready.
> It would let you run the utility in the directory you wish to add and
> register it as a standard library.
> David Botton

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