[gtkada] Cheezy mirror of the win32 version of GVD

Chris Sparks mrada at catalina-inter.net
Wed Dec 6 15:03:13 CET 2000

This doesn't work.  The file that is downloaded is corrupt.  I keep
getting a:

NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
CS:04f2 IP:01ab OP:63 6f 6e 74 65

Chris Sparks

PS:  I had mentioned a long time ago that my friend who happens to have
an ISP business offered to host our Ada related software.  I'll ask him
if the offer is still open.  He too is an Ada-nut and we do work

Jeff Creem wrote:

> Several people in the US were having problems with transfer speed and
> aborted downloads.
> I put this on a free hosting site
> http://lightning.prohosting.com/~jcreem/

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