[gtkada] Problems with tree widget

Emmanuel Briot briot at gnat.com
Fri Aug 11 15:25:16 CEST 2000

 >    I've installed the GtkAda1.2.8 without problem, however when I try 
 > to add an item to the tree widget in the testgtk, I have a "constraint 
 > error". It seems to be wrong. Has someone solved the problem? I 
 > need such widget for my application where I have to add items 
 > serveral times.

This is in fact a bug in testgtk, not in the GtkAda library itself.
For those who need a valid test, you can simply replace the line 137 of
create_tree.adb with:

   Selected_Item := Gtk_Tree_Item (Get_Data (Selected_List));

(The constraint_error was due to us trying to convert from a Gtk_Tree_Item to
a Gtk_Tree, which is invalid in Ada since the former is not a child of the


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