[gtkada] GtkAda and tasking

Jean-Pierre Rosen rosen.adalog at wanadoo.fr
Fri Apr 21 10:05:47 CEST 2000

> I think what you'd like is a main loop something like this:
> loop
>    select
>       accept Gtk.Main.Main_Event_Entry do
>           ...
>       end;
>    or
>       accept My_Stuff.Main_Event_Entry do
>           ...
>       end;
>   end select;
> end loop;
> That way, the task is blocked waiting for either a Gtk event or an other
> no polling involved.
> So the question is, can the event queue in Gtk be wrapped in a task entry,
> without polling? Maybe the queue code would have to be modified to change
> the guard on a protected object, or some such.
> I can't find the real source for the Gtk event queue.
Gtk.Main.Main_Iteration calls
> 'gtk_main_iteration_do', which is in the C file gtk/gtkmain.c. That calls
> 'g_main_iteration', which I can't find!
Yes, I'd like something like that. The big question is "how"...
           J-P. Rosen (Rosen.Adalog at wanadoo.fr)
Visit Adalog's web site at http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog

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