[gtkada] GtkAda material

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Tue Apr 18 12:57:14 CEST 2000

Arnaud Charlet <charlet at ACT-Europe.FR> wrote on 18/04/2000 (12:52) :

> Probably not postscript, since the postscript generated by StarOffice
> are big (about 100 megs), but we will probably put an HTML/jpeg version
> online when we get a chance.
> That being said, you only disk 100 megs to install StarOffice, which is
> nothing by today's standard (indeed, each postscript corresponding to
> these GtkAda presentations take 100megs ;-)

Hmm, given that I haven't seen the files, but StarOffice sounds
_somewhat_ buggy to me if it generates 100Mb postscript files. The
spooling to the printer must take forever?

I have currently 30 Mb of free space on my disc and I won't be able to
get a new one berfore end of may :-(. I'll search around for a computer
with Star Office in the mean time.

Preben Randhol -- [randhol at pvv.org] -- <http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/>
         "Det eneste trygge stedet i verden er inne i en fortelling."
                                                      -- Athol Fugard

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