[gps-users] pragma Optimize

tws hnptz at yahoo.de
Wed Dec 5 16:52:11 CET 2018


I defined

package ruiz is

pragma Optimize(Time);


end ruiz;

package body ruiz is

pragma Optimize(Time);


end ruiz;

and tried to use it like:
with ruiz;use ruiz

program prm is

pragma Optimize(Time);




end prm;

and get the warning: insufficient -O value in program prm.

If I delete line "pragma Optimize(Time);" from program prm then there is
no warning anymore, but also no optimization for Time.

If I replace Optimize(Time) by Optimize(Space) everywhere, then I get the warning:
must specify -Os in ruiz.adb , ruiz.ads and in program prm.

Can you help?



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