[gps-users] ESSENTIAL BUG
Tillmann Eid
t.eid at gmx.de
Mon May 26 07:44:49 CEST 2008
Hi there,
Although I'm very enthusiastic about Ada's possibilities and its safety,
it's just some days ago that I encoutered a real bug while compiling. I
reproduced it with this minimal code(see below)
When compiling it chrashes with this message:
###### ERROR MESSAGE ######
gnatmake -P....\Ada\Comp_Error\comp_error.gpr Compilation_Error.adb -d
gcc -c "-gnatec=....Ada\Comp_Error\GNAT-TEMP-000001.TMP" -I- -gnatA
+===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
| GPL 2007 (20070405-41) (i586-pc-mingw32msv) Program_Error
| Error detected at compilation_error.adb:20:4 |
| Please submit a bug report by email to report at adacore.com. |
| GAP members can alternatively use GNAT Tracker: |
| http://www.adacore.com/ section 'send a report'. |
| See gnatinfo.txt for full info on procedure for submitting bugs. |
| Use a subject line meaningful to you and us to track the bug. |
| Include the entire contents of this bug box in the report. |
| Include the exact gcc or gnatmake command that you entered. |
| Also include sources listed below in gnatchop format |
| (concatenated together with no headers between files). |
| Use plain ASCII or MIME attachment. |
Please include these source files with error report
Note that list may not be accurate in some cases,
so please double check that the problem can still
be reproduced with the set of files listed.
gnatmake: "....ada\comp_error\compilation_error.adb" compilation error
process exited with status 4
gnat pretty -rf -PC:\Dokumente\ und\ Einstellungen\Tillmann\ Eid\Eigene\
Dateien\Programmierung\Ada\Comp_Error\comp_error.gpr C:\Dokumente\ und\
Einstellungen\Tillmann\ Eid\Eigene\
gnat pretty -rf -PC:\Dokumente\ und\ Einstellungen\Tillmann\ Eid\Eigene\
Dateien\Programmierung\Ada\Comp_Error\comp_error.gpr C:\Dokumente\ und\
Einstellungen\Tillmann\ Eid\Eigene\
####### PROGRAMM CODE ######
package Compilation_Error is
type T is task interface;
procedure Start (S : in String) is abstract;
task type T1 is new T with
entry Start (S : in String);
end T1;
end Compilation_Error;
with Ada.Text_IO;
package body Compilation_Error is
task body T1 is
accept Start (S : in String) do
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (S);
end Start;
end T1;
T_Ptr : access T'Class;
T_Ptr := new T1;
T1 (T_Ptr).Start ("Ok, I made it!");
end Compilation_Error;
That's it - and I've no idea why it chrashes.
Thank you all in advance !
Best regards,
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