[gps-users] Adding multiple files to a project

Marco.Armani at ca.thalesgroup.com Marco.Armani at ca.thalesgroup.com
Mon Jan 15 22:10:08 CET 2007

Thanks for the suggestions.  I have been playing around with the IDE to see why it can't read in my files.  The option you mentioned is not checked, and I tried what Anh Vo suggested to no avail.

If I create a simple Ada file (a helloWorld.adb example) and copy it in the folder and hit "Recompute Project", GPS finds the file and adds it in.  I've tried renaming this file to see if the length of the name makes a difference and GPS seems to happily pick it up!

One thing I have noticed is, if I open this helloWorld.adb file with Vim I see ^M at the end of lines and where a carriage-return is supposed to be.  When I open my Ada files, there are no ^M's anywhere.  There's someone at the office here that knows what these ^M's mean... something to do with UNIX file formats.  I suspect this is where the problem lies.  I'll ask my UNIX friend tomorrow and post my findings if anyone's interested.

Thanks for your time,

Marco A.

Marco Armani
Software Engineer
Thales Canada, Systems Division
Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 723-7000 ext. 2013

>>> <hugo.sobreira at embraer.com.br> 01/15 2:10 PM >>>
This situation can happen if you have checked the source_files option in
the Project Properties, "Source Files" tab, and added only some of your 50
ada files in the list. If this is true just uncheck the source_files option
in this tab and the other files will appear.



Hugo Everton da Fonseca Sobreira
Systems Engineer
Embraer - São José dos Campos
Phone: +55 12 3927-3428- Fax: +55 12 3927-2060

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|         |           15-01-2007 13:57        |
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  |       To:       <gps-users at lists.adacore.com>                                                                |
  |       cc:                                                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  [gps-users] Adding multiple files to a project                                               |

I'm using GPS Pro 3.1.0 and I'm having some difficulty adding multiple
files to my project.  I have a folder with 50 or so files (Ada files:
*.adb & *.ads) and I need to add them all to my project file.  When I
point to this folder in the project properties as a "Source Dir", GPS
only pulls in 2 of the files.  It seems like it can not identify the
rest of my files as Ada files!

Does anyone know how I can add these files at once?  Adding over 50
files one-by-one is not much fun!
Thank you,

Marco A.

Marco Armani
Software Engineer
Thales Canada, Systems Division
Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 723-7000 ext. 2013
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gps-users at lists.adacore.com 

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