[gps-users] Configure error in GPS 4.0.0

Ludovic Brenta ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org
Sun Jul 16 15:10:17 CEST 2006

Martin Krischik <krischik at users.sourceforge.net> writes:
> Of corse:  tcl8.1 in itself not really a show-stopper for me - is it possible 
> to with tcl 8.1 support off so I can continue on with the build?
> Or is tcl 8.1 needed for something important? If so: any ideas on how to fix 
> automake?

I've done that in GPS 2.1 in Debian.  See the package tracking system
and look in debian/rules (in the diff.gz).  In fact, I bypass
autoconf, automake, and evil recusrive makefiles entirely except for
the Source Navigator.


Ludovic Brenta.

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