[gps-users] Ada 2005 Prefixed Notation Browsing

Anh Vo Anh.Vo at baesystems.com
Mon Feb 6 21:57:50 CET 2006

This feature has been tested on GPS 2.1.0 on RH 9.0, GPS 3.2.0w on RH 9.0 and GPS 3.1.0 on Win32.

GPS was unable to browse the function Is_Empty as shown in the code below. Additional information 
for debugging purposes was also included.

with Ada.Text_Io;

with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists;

procedure Prefixed_Notation_Browse is

   use Ada;
   use Text_Io;

   package Integers_Lists is new Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists (Integer);
   use Integers_Lists;
   My_List : Integers_Lists.List;


   -- Unable to browse the prefixed notation Is_Empty function
   Put_Line ("Is My_List empty? ==> " & Boolean'Image (My_List.Is_Empty));

   -- Observation: if a none prefixed notation exists, as shown below,
   -- GPS can browse normally. Of course, it needs to be uncommented to the
   -- effect mentioned.
--   Put_Line ("Is My_List empty? ==> " & Boolean'Image (Is_Empty(My_List)));

end Prefixed_Notation_Browse;

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