[Fwd: Re: [gps-users] multilanguage compilation]

André Laurens Andre.Laurens at cnes.fr
Thu Mar 17 13:29:24 CET 2005

Arnaud Charlet a écrit :
> Without neither the former nor the new gpr file, nor the actual
> build output, there is not much that we can guess from your message
> unfortunately, except that there is an error somewhere.
My new gpr file, given below, has been generated by the GPS 2.1.0
project wizard.
I'll not copy here the build output since it's pretty long but mainly it
shows :
- that all Ada files are compiled correctly
- no C file are compiled (nor library built)
- bind works without error
- link fails with 'undefined reference to ...' messages related to all
imported C functions that should have been compiled previoulsy.

In fact, my question was more general, since it happens not only for
this project, but for all I try to build of the same kind (i.e.
containing Ada + C sources) :
1) isn't GPS supposed to work as I remember ('automatically' compile Ada
files with gnatmake, C files with gcc, bind and link it all)?
2) if it is, what are the topics to select in the project wizard to
achieve it (the only relevant I found are language and source
directories selection)
Thanks in advance


    project Cde_Moteur is

    for Languages use ("Ada", "C");
    for Source_Dirs use (".", "../../pc/ada", "../../pc/c",
"../../../general/nap                                          lib/ada");
    for Main use ("cde_moteur.adb");

    package Builder is
       for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-a", "-m", "-g");
    end Builder;

    package Naming is
       for Specification_Suffix ("C") use ".h";
       for Implementation_Suffix ("C") use ".c";
    end Naming;

    package Compiler is
       for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-O2", "-gnatf", "-g");
       for Default_Switches ("c") use ("-O2", "-g", "-Wall");
    end Compiler;

end Cde_Moteur;

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