[gps-users] GPS 2.1.0w (20041020) - C++ Project Source File Not Correctly Generated

Anh Vo Anh.Vo at udlp.com
Sat Oct 23 03:51:38 CEST 2004

C++ project source file is not generated correctly when a C++ project is
created. The problem lies in the for Main use statement. It looks for
the main file based on the directory where gps was launched. Therefore,
it fails to link with error code status 4. If I fixed this part, it
would link correctly. The project source file contains one main,
fig06_07.cpp, and one class named salesp.h / salesp.cpp. By the way, the
gps was launch at /home/crusoft/voax/linux. Note that the project file,
the object files and the executable file reside in the same directory
/home/voax/c_c++/anh_vo/sale. In addition, gps freezes if I attempts to
select Project -> Edit Project Properties. Further note that I did not
see information regarding the location of project file, the object files
and the executable file is kept the project file.

project Sale is

   for Languages use ("C++");
   for Source_Dirs use ("../../How_To_Program/ch06/Fig6_07");
   for Exec_Dir use ".";
   for Main use ("../../../linux/fig06_07.cpp");  --&&&  the problem is

   package Builder is
      for Executable ("fig06_07.cpp") use "";
   end Builder;

   package Naming is
      for Specification_Suffix ("C++") use ".h";
      for Implementation_Suffix ("C++") use ".cpp";
   end Naming;

end Sale;


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