[gps-users] CVS usage

Nicolas Setton setton at act-europe.fr
Tue Jul 6 11:13:37 CEST 2004


> 	I seem to ask something obvious, but...
> 1. How one can commit all the files of the project? (Only one by one?)

Currently you can only commit one by one, since you have to enter log
files for all files. To simplify your task, you can however open the VCS
Explorer, query the status for all files, sort by status, select all
files that are "locally modified", and do a commit on the whole

> 2. How one can put a tag on all files of the project?

This is not supported yet.

> 	BTW, I can not keep here from expressing my delight - the CVS menus are so 
> powerful !!

Thanks for your encouragements ! :-)


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