[gps-users] make under gps

BONNIN Hugues hugues.bonnin@c-s.fr
Thu, 02 Oct 2003 08:28:13 +0200

Ludovic Brenta a =E9crit :

> not GPS.  Also, the only way to avoid recompiling unless switches
> change is to store the compilation switches in the .ali file.  I do
> not think GNAT does that.

Yes it does : at the beginning of an ali file, you find :
V "GNAT Lib v3.14 "
A -gnatc
A -gnatt
A -gnatU
R nnnnnvvnnnnnnnvvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

U acm_constants%b acm_constants.adb 39C3A2F6 NE PK

