[gps-users] When is the new version planned to?

Ludovic Brenta ludovic.brenta@insalien.org
12 Nov 2003 09:14:24 +0100

Arnaud Charlet <charlet@ACT-Europe.FR> writes:

> > This is good news.  Since I have taken it upon myself to package GPS
> > for Debian, I have to ask: will it be released in time for me to
> > package it for Sarge (i.e. before November 23)?
> What is Sarge ? I mean, what kind of debian release is that ?
> I don't know yet whether GPS will be released before this date, hopefully
> it will.

Sarge is the code-name for the next stable release of Debian.
Currently this release is in "testing" mode.  It is supposed to become
"stable" on or around December 1.  The current "stable" release is

Ludovic Brenta.