[gps-users] GNAT Programming System 1.4.0 for Debian GNU/Linux

Ludovic Brenta ludovic.brenta@insalien.org
01 Dec 2003 19:20:50 +0100

I am happy to announce that I have packaged GPS 1.4.0 for Debian
GNU/Linux.  To install it, point your /etc/apt/sources.list at:

deb http://www.ada-france.org/debian ada main
deb-src http://www.ada-france.org/debian ada main

then do `apt-get update; apt-get install gnat-gps'.

The package name for GPS is `gnat-gps', so as not to conflict with an
unrelated `gps' package.  It depends on a number of other packages:

- libgtkada2-0 (>= 2.2.1) is also available from the above repository.
  Note that 2.2.0 is in the official Debian unstable repository, but
  will not work with GPS.  Also note that you will probably consider
  installing `gnat-gps-doc', too.

- If you want to develop programs that use GtkAda, you will need
  `libgtkada2-dev' and, optionally, `libgtkada2-doc'.

- sourcenav (>= 5.0) is in Debian testing and unstable.  GPS uses it
  to browse Ada and C++ source code and maintain a cross-reference

- libgnat-3.15p-1 is in Debian unstable.

I have already submitted gnat-gps as an addition to Debian.  My
sponsor will probably evaluate the package and upload it into the
official repository in the next few weeks.  When this happens, I will
remove the package from ada-france.org so as not to create confusion.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, or this list, if you experience
any problems that are specific to these Debian packages.

Note to ACT: as per Debian policy, I have written a man page for GPS.
Please feel free to include it into any future release of GPS.  I can
mail it on request; it is pretty short.


Ludovic Brenta.