[gps-devel] Debian Bug#666958: gnat-gps: GPS isn't looking in /usr/share/ada/adainclude for installed packages

Emmanuel Briot briot at adacore.com
Tue Apr 10 14:00:53 CEST 2012

> If you look in the sources, you will see that, without the patch, the
> condition "Project_Path (J) = Project_Path (K)" is always true at least
> once (i.e. when J = K) and therefore Found always becomes True and the
> rest of the loop is never executed.  Also, there is a risk that a path
> that appears twice (or more) in the Project_Path array is *never*
> processed.  The patch carefully ensures that a duplicated path is
> processed once.

I agree there is a bug there, although I chose a different approach than you 
patch (using a Set is more efficient than looping as we did before -- this was 
pre-Ada2005 code).

The following patch was applied, which I believe should work.


--- a/prj_editor/src/creation_wizard-dependencies.adb
+++ b/prj_editor/src/creation_wizard-dependencies.adb
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
  -- of the license.                                                          --

+with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets;
  with Glib;                             use Glib;
  with Gtk.Box;                          use Gtk.Box;
  with Gtk.Button;                       use Gtk.Button;
@@ -58,6 +59,9 @@ package body Creation_Wizard.Dependencies is
     package Wizard_Page_Handlers is new Gtk.Handlers.User_Callback
       (Gtk_Widget_Record, Project_Wizard_Page);

+   package File_Sets is
+     new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets (Virtual_File, Full_Name_Hash,
     type Dependency_Project_Page is new Project_Wizard_Page_Record with record
        Kernel  : Kernel_Handle;
        Project : Project_Type;
@@ -270,20 +274,14 @@ package body Creation_Wizard.Dependencies is
        Files            : File_Array_Access;
        Imported_Prj     : Project_Type;
        Imported         : Project_Iterator;
+      Visited          : File_Sets.Set;

        for J in Project_Path'Range loop
-         --  Make sure the path isn't duplicated
-         Found := False;
-         for K in Project_Path'Range loop
-            if Project_Path (J) = Project_Path (K) then
-               Found := True;
-               exit;
-            end if;
-         end loop;
+         Found := Visited.Contains (Project_Path (J));

           if not Found then
+            Visited.Include (Project_Path (J));
                 Files := Project_Path (J).Read_Dir (Files_Only);

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