[gps-devel] [patch] python support configuration for FreeBSD64 broken, other BSDs not supported

John Marino adacore at marino.st
Tue Oct 11 13:49:43 CEST 2011


I discovered python support wasn't getting compiled into GPS 5.0.1 on an
AMD64 FreeBSD machine even though it was explicitly requested.  The log
said the configure test failed due to use of "-ldl" which isn't
available on FreeBSD.  Looking at the configure script, it was obvious
that targets such as x86_64-unknown-freebsd8.2 were hitting a
way-too-general x86_64-*-* case before it could reach the *-freebsd* case.

The quick solution is to put the freebsd case in front of the x86_64
case.  At the same time, missing support for NetBSD, OpenBSD, and
DragonFly can be added.

The proposed patches are attached.

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