[gps-devel] Where is Set_Priorities?

Roger Mc Murtrie rogermc at iinet.net.au
Sat Nov 24 12:54:23 CET 2007

My reference to gps-2.10-academic was a typo.

Thanks again!
I've now found gps-4.0.2-gpl-src.tgz which for some (psychological?)  
reason I hadn't noticed before although I've looked in the Libre  
source list on numerous occassions!!!!
Probably confusing the "gpl" in gnat-gpl-2007-src.tgz with "gps" then  
not looking any further in the list for "gps"!!
We are definitely our own worst enemies!

I'm now downloading gps-4.0.2-gpl-src.tgz, gtkada-for-gps-4.0.2- 
src.tgz and

Hopefully I'll have more success now that you've put me on the right  

On 24/11/2007, at 9:53 PM, Arnaud Charlet wrote:

>> It looks like that's probably the problem.
>> I thought I was using gtk+ 2.12 which Fink shows as installed
>> but the config log indicates gtk-x11-2.0!
> Do not confuse GtkAda (the Ada binding on top of Gtk+) and Gtk+.
> You need a matching GtkAda, which comes with GPS.
>> I am trying to build gps-2.10-academic using GtkAda-gpl-2.10.0
> You're confusing gps-2.1.0 (and not gps-2.10) with gtkada 2.10.0,
> these are not compatible.
> gps-2.1.0 is very old at this stage. Instead, you should use the
> latest version available as part of GNAT GPL edition (where you got  
> gtkada
> 2.10.0):
> If you use gps-4.0.2-gpl-src.tgz, you'll need to use
> gtkada-for-gps-4.0.2-src.tgz, and also xmlada-for-gps-4.0.2-src.tgz.
> Arno

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