[gps-devel] building GPS

alwyn lee alwynbjut at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 1 14:23:53 CET 2006

these few days,I read a lot from the gps-devel list,and I made a
further invelment in building GPS source. thanks everyone who works in
the list and the members who post his questions.
And ,I met another problem to look for answer here. thanks , :)
gcc -c -g -gnatec=/gps/gps-3.0.0/gps/gnat.adc -O2 -gnatn -gnatws -I-
-gnatA /gps/gps-3.0.0/browsers/src/bro wsers-canvas.adb
browsers-canvas.adb:1751:07: no candidate interpretations match the
browsers-canvas.adb:1754:10: unmatched actual "Vertical_Layout" in call
gnatmake: "/gps/gps-3.0.0/browsers/src/browsers-canvas.adb" compilation
make[1]: *** [internal-build] Error 4
make: *** [default] Error 2
my work platform is redhat fc3 
gcc    -v 3.4.2
gtk+-2.0  -v 2.4.13
gtkada     2.4.2
pkg-config 0.15


     alwyn lee
alwyn116 at hotmail.com   (Messenger)
alwyn116 at yahoo.com.cn   (Mail)


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