[gps-devel] Trouble Building GPS

Robert Love rblove at airmail.net
Fri May 27 04:08:33 CEST 2005

When I noticed that there weren't any binary snapshots available I  
decided to try building this myself.  I have an Intel based box  
running Fedora Core 3 and Gnat is installed.  In the other list I  
started talking about my trouble and was referred to this list.

I grabbed the sources from CVS and was originally confused by the  
instruction to link to the compiler sources.  What I did was grab the  
sources from the gcc4.0.ada tarball from Gnu's mirror.  I unpacked  
the tar and built the link.  I ran configure with a prefix of /usr/ 
gnat.  When I typed make I get these errors:

gnatmake -Pgps gps-main.adb
gcc -c -g -gnatec=/root/gps/gps/gnat_debug.adc -g -O -gnata -gnatVa - 
gnatQ -gnaty -gnatwjmeurk -Wall -I- -gnatA /root/gps/gps/src/gps- 
projects.ads:509:22: "Project_Node_Tree_Ref" not declared in "Tree"
projects.ads:566:57: "Project_Tree_Ref" not declared in "Prj"
gps-kernel-modules.ads:221:28: "Child_Position" not declared in "MDI"
gps-kernel-modules.ads:221:57: "Position_Default" not declared in "MDI"
gps-kernel-standard_hooks.ads:169:37: "Child_Position" not declared  
in "MDI"

I don't know if it doesn't like the gnat source files I pointed it at  
or if there is a problem in the gps source.  Can somebody shed some  
light on where the problem is and what I can do about it?

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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