[gps-devel] Where is xmlada.gpr?

Georg Bauhaus bauhaus at futureapps.de
Tue Sep 28 01:43:20 CEST 2004

Arnaud Charlet wrote:
>>In my quest to learn and use GPS I find that mainline sources are 
>>looking for xmlada.gpr which apparently integrates XML/Ada to do the 
>>customization.  Well, I have built the XML/Ada 1.0 package but don't 
>>see anything that looks like the needed project file.
> Right, this is an optional dependency which is not finalized yet
> (on-going work).
> I'd suggest ignoring this for now.

If you can't ;-), I'm using two GNAT-made installations of XML/Ada,
one is compiled from the distribution and installed with prefix /opt.
This one is included in a project like this

for Source_Dirs use (...,

similarly, in the Builder package I add a switch,

in the Linker package

Ludovic Brenta's Debian package simplifies this, the xmlada.gpr reads

project Xmlada is
    for Source_Dirs use ("/usr/share/ada/adainclude/xmlada");
    for Object_Dir use "/usr/lib/ada/adalib/xmlada";
    Ada_Switches := "-lxmlada";
    package Linker is
       for Default_Switches ("Ada") use (Ada_Switches);
    end Linker;
end Xmlada;

and you can "include" it with your project file.

However, the "&" operator concatenating a string to a string
list does not add a space between the string and the list
(in GCC 3.4.1 IIRC). Therefore, if you say

   Ada_Switches & ("some, "more", "switches");

you get "-lxmladasome more switches".  I've "fixed" this
by adding a " " as the head of the list before "some".


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