Fwd: Re: [gps-devel] Succedded compiling gps-cvs with gcc 3.4.2

Lengyel Sándor hunnia at hu.inter.net
Wed Dec 1 16:58:35 CET 2004

>   I did a bit of fooling around. It might partially work now. After

>Great. Do not hesitate to post patches for review.

>> initializing the debugger, I do get the "bumps" at the begining of the line
>> of the source code,  (called stringmap_test.adb) which when pressed, should
>> give the breakpoint. however unfortunatelly I do get this message in the
>> GDB:
>> (gdb) break stringmap_test.adb:39
>> No source file named stringmap_test.adb.

>This is likely not related to the tty issue: it seems like either you didn't
>compile this file with -g, or that your gdb has some problems.

Yes, I was using a GDB without Ada support. Using the right GDB, it seems to 
work. (break point work, and I can step). So attached is the modified file 
from which you can generate the patch. Description of the change is in the 
front of the file. Only the allocate_py was changed according to the one used 
in xemacs.

I do have another problem though. Compiling the CVS file with python does not 
link. It seem to need  lpthreads. It does link with that, and I get an 
executable which will crash. This is only for info, I do not need a solution.


 Lengyel Sándor

Hass, alkoss, gyarapíts,
S a haza fényre derül. (Kölcsey)

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