[gps-devel] Successful GPS build using released GCC 3.4.1 and very little else

Georg Bauhaus bauhaus at futureapps.de
Tue Aug 17 01:54:30 CEST 2004

hi All,

Translated with GCC 3.4.1 as released,  I've got GPS working,
compiled from the repository sources! It is about as good as the
daily snapshot. ;-) (The debugger in the snapshot is more pleasing.)

Only minor additions and replacements have been necessary,
most of them related to GNAT.OS_Lib.Invalid_Time, Prj.<*>,
and ALI scanning. Sorry if this all bores you, 
drop me a line if I should tell about the dirty tricks.

So far I've only noticed that Pragma Source_Reference
may not be reflected in line counts in the call graphs.
(In the snapshot version, and in the one I've built.)
The cursor jumps to the correct line in the wrong file.
(x.ada is chopped into x.ads and x.adb, the cursor pops
up in x.adb, too far down.)

After a pleasing night,
regards, Georg

Georg Bauhaus                              bauhaus at futureapps.de
Future Apps GmbH                        http://www.futureapps.de
phone: +49 203 306 1560

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