[gps-devel] project options

francois.grand@libertysurf.fr francois.grand@libertysurf.fr
Sat, 26 Jul 2003 12:31:21 +0200

>Could you check the contents of the .gpr project file
directly on t=
>disk ?

Here it is (package Naming only) :

   package Naming is
      for Specification_Suffix ("c++") use ".h";
      for Implementation_Suffix ("c++") use ".cpp";
   end Naming;

>There was an issue at some point with C++-only projects,
which didn't
>memorize correctly the list of languages, but I don't
remember in what
>version of GPS this was.

the problem appears with any project.

here's my config :
debian woody 3.0r1
gps 1.2.2 (20030615)

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