[gps-devel] Another compile problem

David Holm david@realityrift.com
Sat, 9 Aug 2003 16:52:44 +0200

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 15:03:39 +0200
Arnaud Charlet <charlet@ACT-Europe.FR> wrote:

> > gnatmake -Pgps gps.adb
> > Exception name: STORAGE_ERROR
> > Message: stack overflow (or erroneous memory access)
> May this is a real storage error, and you need to increase (see e.g. ulimit)
> the amount of stack and/or heap available.

This did not work.

> Or your gnat has been misbuilt.

I tried using the gnat 3.15p bootstrap compiler (gnat-3.15p-i686-pc-redhat71-gnu-bin.tar.gz)
from ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/languages/ada/gnat which did not generate a stack overflow.
The gnat I have compiled (3.15p) follows the instructions supplied with the source release and I
have not applied any outside patches to it whatsoever.
Do you have any idea what could be wrong? Or a hint to which source-file I should check out? I
would like to fix this problem as I am the maintainer of the Ada section of Gentoo GNU/Linux.

You don't happen to have a gnat-devel or gnat-user list? Or is that limited to commercial
customers only?

//David Holm