[GAP] Volunteers needed to staff the SIGAda booth at SIGCSE 2014 March 5 - 8

John McCormick mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Tue Jan 14 21:09:05 CET 2014

As it has for more than 20 years, ACM SIGAda will have a booth at the 
SIGCSE conference exhibit hall.   This year's conference is in Atlanta, 
March 5 - 8.  Recent retirements of our regular volunteers has left only 
me to work the exhibit hall.   So I am looking for folks to help me 
staff the booth.  If you are planning to attend this computer science 
education conference, I would appreciate your giving me a hand.  Even a 
few hours would help.  I need to submit names for exhibit hall passes by 
January 24th so please get back to me soon if you can help.


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