[GAP] First “Ada Way” Award Winners

Jamie Ayre ayre at adacore.com
Wed Aug 1 09:15:56 CEST 2012

Dear GAP members,

We have a winner of the Ada-Europe sponsored “Ada Way” student programming competition! Launched in September 2010, the first challenge was to build a software simulator of a football (soccer) match. The submitted code had to include a software core implementing the logic of the simulation, and read-write graphical panels for interactive team management. The full source of the reference implementation is posted on the Ada Way page along with its accompanying technical specification, user manual and build instructions, a short demo video clip and an image of the award.

The reference implementation is now proposed for a “Try and Beat Me” open-ended challenge: any student team willing to take that challenge is invited to make a submission that attempts to improve over the reference implementation under any of the evaluation criteria listed on the Ada Way page. 

For more information please visit www.ada-europe.org/AdaWay and hopefully you can encourage your students to participate.

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