[GAP] Ada 2012 in Gnat 2011 ?

Cyrille Comar comar at adacore.com
Mon Jun 6 15:32:38 CEST 2011

Le 06/06/2011 14:48, Andy Edmunds a écrit :

> Hi, this is very interesting. I have a question about the use of
> pre/post conditions in Gnat.
> How are the pre/post conditions used?

In the language itself (Ada 2012) they have a dynamic semantics close to 
Eiffel's and thus can be seen as a generalization of dynamic checks as 
provided by older Ada versions for index, range and overflow checks. 
This is particularly true for subtype predicates.

> Is there a verification condition generator, and proof tool available?

That's interesting you ask the question because we do participate to a 
research project whose goal is precisely to use those new Ada2012 
features for program proving and better integration of testing and 
proving. Take a look at http://www.open-do.org/projects/hi-lite/ and if 
you are interested, you can register to the mailinglist which is pretty 
active (and sometimes very technical).

> Where can I find out more about these features?

Good starting points for Ada2012 are:


Ed (Schonberg) made a presentation last year that can be found at 

John Barnes is working on a rationale that should be available later 
this year.

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