[GAP] SPARK GPL 2010, GNAT GPL 2011, and GPS 5.01

John McCormick mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Thu Jul 7 21:25:34 CEST 2011

I'm spending some time this summer catching up with SPARK.   I recently 
downloaded and installed GNAT GPL 2011 and SPARK GPL 2010.   I thought I 
would see some SPARK tools that I could use from within GPS.  I did not 
see anything SPARK related in my GPS window.  Is there some place that I 
missed in finding SPARK tools in GPS?  I do see that the plug-in 
spark_support.py is checked .  Is there something else I need to do to 
activate SPARK support in GPS 5.01?

Thanks for any assistance.


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